Welcome to the homepage of Christopher B. Zeichmann, scholar of the New Testament, religion, and antiquity. He presently lectures at Toronto Metropolitan University and has previously taught at the University of Toronto’s Emmanuel College and served as Project Manager for Brown University’s Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine project.
He is excited to announce my book Radical Antiquity: Free Love Zoroastrians, Farming Pirates, and Ancient Uprisings, out 20 September 2025. Order it wherever books are sold!
His previous books include Recovering An Undomesticated Apostle: Essays on the Legacy of Paul (2023, co-edited with John A. Egger), Queer Readings of the Centurion at Capernaum (2022), The Database of Military Inscriptions and Papyri of Early Roman Palestine (2022), and The Roman Army and the New Testament (2018). He has published extensively in academic journals, ranging from the New Testament Studies to Scripta Classica Israelica to Method and Theory in the Study of Religion. He presently serves on the editorial board for Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus and The Bible and Critical Theory.
Select publications can be found at his Academia.edu page.